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All About Lice

Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp. They can be spread by close contact with other people. These lice only live in hair and occasionally eyebrows and eyelashes.



  • -Intense itching of the scalp

  • -Small, red bumps on the scalp, neck, and shoulders (bumps may become crusty and ooze)

  • -Tiny golden or white tear drop shaped eggs/nits that are stuck to the hair shaft and have to  be scraped off with finger nails or tweezers.

  • -Live lice on the scalp or hair may be difficult to see, unless the infestation is heavy. If you see something (a bug) moving, it's called a louse.


A Nit (Egg) is tear drop shaped and is attached to the side of the hair shaft ranging in color from off-white, golden brown to brown and is about the size of a strawberry seed.  Nits are always the same shape; they are never irregular, fuzzy or smoosh-able. They are glued to the hair shaft and stuck on the side. It feels hard between the pads of the fingers and you will need to use your fingernails to move it down the hair shaft.



Head-to-head contact with an already infested person is the most common way to get head lice. Head-to-head contact is common during school, at home, and elsewhere (sports activities, playground, slumber parties, camp).


Lice are very little, wingless little critters. Lice can crawl very quickly. They are only about 2mm-4mm in size. Even though they are extremely small, both lice and their eggs can be seen with the naked eye.Lice are not able to fly, hop or jump from person to person.


Head lice are parasites that can survive for approximately 30 days when living on a human host.  Generally, head lice can not survive if they are separated from their human host for more than 24 hours.


A female louse lays proximately 3-5 eggs per day. These eggs (nits) hatch in 7-10 days, and it takes another 7-10 days for the immature nymphs to develop into louse, at which point they can begin laying their own eggs. The cycle then continues. 


Trust in The Nit Nurse's Head Lice Treatment Service to rid you of your lice infestation

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